Wrong Answers Only Interview: Alexandrea Weis

It’s Saturday, which means it’s time for a new Wrong Answer Only Interview! This week, I got my manicured claws into award-winning author, Alexandrea Weis. Seeing as she has a brand new book coming out soon, titled The Secret Brokers, I thought it was the perfect time to give her the ole Snyman torture treatment. Muhahaha!

Now, for those who aren’t familiar with how the Wrong Answers Only interviews work: I ask some run-of-the-mill questions to authors, and my subject simply has to lie. Sounds easy enough, right? Well, let me tell you, sometimes I have to pull out all my tricks. If a question I’ve asked is answered in a way that seems even remotely true, I make the author suffer in some of the most heinous ways possible. I mean, we’re talking playing Nickelback on loop torture tactics. 🙂

This week’s Wrong Answers Only torture included: dragging my nails against a chalkboard, clicking a pen repeatedly until Alexandrea Weis almost lost her cool, and then—because she is a tough cookie to break—I resorted to singing The P-p-platypus Song.

It was an incredibly difficult journey, but eventually, she cooperated. So, without further delay, I give to you this magnificent piece of hogwash from the one and only, Alexandrea Weis. You’re welcome. 🙂

Wrong Answers Only Interview

What inspired you to start writing?

My cat Fred. An avid reader, he had run out of books and wanted more stories, so I began putting my crazy ideas to paper. He encouraged me to publish my novels. He was very creative and even designed a few covers for me.

If you weren’t a writer, what would you be?

A snake wrangler. Can you imagine spending your days with something cold and slithery in your hands—what a dream job.

How do you handle writer’s block?

I drink. Large amounts of vodka do the trick. Also, all night marathons of monopoly, usually with myself acting as all four players. Monopoly and vodka. Works every time.

How do you develop your plot and characters?

Sometimes I use an Ouija board for characters and plot. Calling the spirits of the dead can be very inspirational. Ernest Hemingway and Tennessee Williams are frequent visitors. They have fantastic insights into crafting a tight story. Although, when they come through together, they often start bickering about who is the better writer. Then I call on Charles Dickens to settle the dispute since he is the senior writer. Aristotle stopped by once, but I couldn’t understand a thing he said. It was Greek to me.

What is the most surprising thing you discovered while writing your book(s)?

That I sleep write. I have found whole chapters finished when I wake in the morning. I don’t remember writing it, but it must be me. It’s on my computer. Either that or Fred has been at my computer again.

Where do you draw inspiration from?

Dust bunnies. Their intriguing shapes, the way they lurk in corners, and how they float across the floors inspires all sorts of stories. I have plans to develop a series about the dust bunny creatures living in my home. Sort of a Dynasty meets Dust Bunnies. I’m just waiting for them to increase their population so I can have lots of characters to draw from.

Who is your favorite author and why?

Walt Whitman and his epic novel, Leaves of Grass. That book set off so many hours of uninterrupted sleep in my high school days. I will be forever grateful to the author for expanding my dreams and allowing me to nod off without a problem. I really should reread it soon.

What is your favorite book?

Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. Reading about a man turning into a cockroach was inspiring. There are so many people I wish would experience such a transformation. It is enough to make you want to go out and stock up on Raid bug killer.

What were the key challenges you faced when writing this book?

Not having enough bullets in the gun to shoot would be interrupters. Who can write when they are constantly interrupted by husbands who can’t find certain items in the pantry? Bullet holes in the sheetrock can be repaired, but your time is precious.

On a typical day, how much time do you spend writing?

After I feed Fred and my llama, Earl, I have to make sure I spend the time I want to write walking on the treadmill so I can generate enough electricity to run my computer. So about twenty minutes. But I type really fast.

About The Secret Brokers

Wrong Answers Only Interview: Alexandrea Weis 1


Dallas August runs a dangerous business—an organization of elite spies for hire.

The secrets trade.

Nothing is off limits, and no price is too high.

When asked to uncover what recluse Gwen Marsh knows about a Mafia kingpin’s death, Dallas poses as a bodyguard to get close to his target, but the stubborn Asian beauty wants nothing to do with him. As the FBI and the Mafia close in, danger drives them together, but can he protect Gwen, or will
Dallas be the one risking everything to discover what she is really hiding?

Dallas August is about to find out how dangerous life can be as one of the Secret Brokers.

Once you are in, there is no turning back.

Pre-Order The Secret Brokers Now!

About Alexandrea Weis

Wrong Answers Only Interview: Alexandrea Weis 2Alexandrea Weis, RN CS, PhD, is a multi award winning author, screenwriter, advanced practice registered nurse, and historian who was born and raised in the French Quarter of New Orleans She has taught at major universities and worked in nursing for thirty years.

Having grown up in the motion picture industry as the daughter of a director, she learned to tell stories from a different perspective Infusing the rich tapestry of her hometown into her novels, she believes that creating vivid characters makes a story moving and memorable.

A member of both the International Thriller Writers Association and the Horror Writers Association, Weis writes mystery, suspense, thrillers, horror, crime fiction, and romance and has sold approximately one million books. She lives with her husband and pets in New Orleans where she is a permitted/certified wildlife rehabber with the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries and rescues orphaned and injured animals.

Website: AlexandreaWeis.com
Twitter: @AlexandreaWeis
Instagram: @authoralexandreaweis

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