Your Carrie Days Just Got Better with Hannahpad

The horror industry loves blood, which is why Hannahpad is so near to my heart! We adore bleeding walls and creative kills. Blood is where it’s at, baby! I mean, Stephen King built a highly successful writing career on periods. Remember Carrie? Yeah, us horror folks don’t shy away when it comes to menstruation. This is one of the reasons I decided to share my experiences of Hannahpad with you.

Look, I’m not one of those people who’s into the mumbo-jumbo “pretty moon goddesses” stuff, and I’m sure as hell not going to sugarcoat it. Periods are not, in my personal opinion, oh so beautiful. It’s a natural process, yes, and there’s no reason to be embarrassed about Aunt Flo, but that’s where my euphemisms end. So, if you want the lowdown on Hannahpad, you’re going to have to bear with me as I tell it as it is.

Your Carrie Days Just Got Better with Hannahpad 1

Background Info

I was an early bloomer. I started my period when I was 12, and used disposable pads for two years, which was a nightmare. I detest the sound of disposable pads—the crinkling noise whenever you move just made me so uncomfortable—not to mention always knowing you’re wearing a pad. The “ultra slim” is still noticeable, no matter what people tell you. Pads, in general, just didn’t work for me. So, I switched over to tampons when I was 14, and I’d be lying if I said tampons weren’t more convenient, comfortable, and less noticeable. I mean, I used them for 17 years, so I think it’s clear they were my product of choice.

In 2012, I started seeing the Venus Cup/Moon Cup/Goddess Cup, whatever you want to call it, making the rounds. Women swore by it—”It’s perfect for you, especially since you’re more comfortable with tampons”. Honestly, I don’t know why I simply dislike the concept. I just do. So, no. Not gonna try it even if you give it to me for free.

In 2018, however, I started to feel off whenever my menstrual cycle was coming on. And I don’t mean the usual PMS type of off—that I could handle, my husband not so much—what I mean is the cramps. I’ve never had to deal with excessive cramping before, but suddenly I was doubling over with pain. I also suddenly went through two big boxes of tampons a cycle, which was not normal for me. And my insomnia was cranked up to the max, both because of the pain and needing to constantly change tampons.

Something was wrong and I instinctively knew it was because of the tampons. So, I started to do some research…

Bad idea!

We’re Killing Ourselves

Do you have any idea what commercial sanitary products have in them? I read and I read, and apart from disposable sanitary products using a lot of plastic, they also included: Rayon, Dioxin, Phthalates, Chlorine Dioxide (BLEACH!) and a whole lot of other scientific words that would give Clive Barker the creeps. Oh my word, no wonder I felt like I did. Now, yes, I know all the health organizations say that the chemicals in sanitary products are too low to really be toxic to humans, but how do they explain Toxic Shock Syndrome then? Rare as it is, I was not willing to take that risk. I was not going to voluntarily kill myself any longer.

During my research, I also realized how bad disposable sanitary products were for the environment. The plastic doesn’t degrade, the chemicals are leeching into the earth, and the landfills and oceans are full of them. It’s just a nasty business that I didn’t want to partake in.

Surely there was something out there, some alternative product to disposable pads, tampons, and the silicone cup?

There simply had to be something for me.

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Introducing Hannahpad

Hannahpad is a reusable pad made of 100% organic cotton, which means they breathe, and lasts between 3-5 years. They are pretty to look at, completely recyclable, much more economic, and they feel natural! There’s no crinkling noise when you walk, the pad doesn’t twist, you no longer have to worry about chemicals or TSS. Oh, and they’re super absorbent—more absorbent than your regular disposable pads.

I’m also helping the environment during my Carrie Days. 🙂

Best of all: My cramping is GONE. I don’t mean the pain’s simply subsided, I actually mean the cramps are completely GONE. As for PMS… Well, let’s just say my husband no longer need to walk on eggshells around me during my time of the month. Also, he doesn’t need to do midnight tampon runs, which totally works for him. *giggles*

What About The Ewwww Factor?

Puh-lease! If you’ve never had a leak in your life, you’re truly blessed… or you’re a liar. Is having to wash your pads a little inconvenient at times? Yes. But is it a sacrifice I’m willing to make for my health? You betcha. Besides, Hannahpad gives great cleaning instructions and I’m yet to have a permanent stain on them.

In Conclusion

  • Honestly, Hannahpads is an investment product. Getting started is a little expensive when you don’t have the money to spend. BUT if you do the math on how much your yearly expenses are on female sanitary products, Hannahpads either breaks even or will be cheaper in the long run. In my case, this switch will become much more affordable.
  • I only bought a medium five pack, along with some other goodies, which I quickly realized is not enough to fit my needs. I already worked out I should get, at least, 2 overnight pads, as well as 2 more medium Hannahpads. But now that I know I haven’t poured money down the drain, I’m not too concerned about giving out the money. 🙂
  • For the first time in my life, I’m actually not dreading my Carrie Days.
  • I really am feeling healthier since the switch. My hormones aren’t being messed with by external elements, which means my skin has cleared up, my hair and nails looks awesome, and my constant insomnia is slowly disappearing. Seriously, and this is after one month of using Hannahpads!


Your Carrie Days Just Got Better with Hannahpad 3

I’m not saying switching to reusable sanitary products is the solution to all your problems, but it works for me. I will, however, say this: If you are having any issues you can’t get rid off, like severe cramping and excessive bleeding, don’t put it off. Make an appointment at your gynae ASAP and make the switch if you can until you can get checked out.

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