Today is such a mild, lovely day, I thought I’d spend it procrastinating a bit by curating 10 horror quotes I love. Now, I really shouldn’t have wasted precious time, but my brain needed a break from writing and editing, and honestly I still think it’s somewhat productive. I mean, I technically did write a blog post, which can be seen as productive. Right?
From where I’m sitting, it could have been worse: I could have decided to binge-watch a brainless TV show or … I don’t know … painted my toe nails (or tried to contort myself around my pregnant belly and paint my nails). So, this is productive. *nods* Don’t judge me.
Anyway, just a side-note: I did a similar post a couple of years ago—10 Inspirational Horror Quotes—in case this one doesn’t satiate your craving. And if you want even more, go check out these scary quotes.
Procrastinate with me, my lovelies. Muhahaha!
10 Horror Quotes I Love
What I Love About Horror
Horror is such a versatile genre, one that rips your ribcage apart to get to the heart of the good, the bad, and the ugly things of the world. The genre looks into mankind’s collective souls and shows you everything you don’t want to see. It’s brutal and beautiful and is more than what mainstream media makes it out to be. Yes, there are jump-scares and the slow-burns, and yes, sometimes horror is nothing more than blood and guts … But there are also thought-provoking stories out there.
Finding one of those provocative tales, getting drawn into the book or film or show, that is what I love about horror.
What do you love about horror?
Do you have any favorite horror quotes?
Leave a comment below!