Contact Monique

Use the following form to contact Monique. Keep in mind:

  1. If you have a question, please check the FAQ page before sending an email. If your question isn’t answered there, then you're welcome to message her and she’ll update the FAQ.
  2. If you only want to sign up for the newsletter without sending Monique a message, fill out this form instead.
  3. Monique tries to reply to all of her reader mail, but any time spent corresponding is time she can't write, so sometimes there's a bit of a backlog. It could take a while to receive a reply! Sometimes she gets too swamped to reply at all.
  4. Monique takes your privacy seriously. Your email address will not be disclosed to any third-party entity at any point. Monique hates getting spam, too, so your information is safe. (Monique manages the database via MailerLite, but only she can see the email addresses.)


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