Website Revamp

It’s time for my not-so-big-but-still-pretty-big website reveal! Whoohoo! πŸ’ƒ If you follow me on Facebook and/or Twitter (and if the algorithms were kind), you may have seen that my website was undergoing some maintenance and a website revamp. Well, it’s done now and it looks … Well, you should really look for yourself. πŸ™‚ Before…


It’s time for a brand new What’s New Wednesday! πŸ’ƒ This week I have some great stuff to share, which revolves around me pimpin’ like a proβ€”and that means talking about books and fellow authors. Yes, I know it’s kind of in the heading of this post, but hey, it doesn’t hurt repeating. Well, at…


It’s cover reveal time! I hope you’re ready, because I’ve seen some teaser images and they were amazing, but this … I never expected to see a cover like this. It’s GORGEOUS! But before I show it to you, let me give you some background info on this highly-anticipated anthology by Crystal Lake Publishing. The…


It’s been quite a while since I’ve had the strength to do a What’s New Wednesday post … Better late than never, right? πŸ™‚ This week, I have some great recent bookish announcements and updates for you, and because I’ve been pretty absent, there are some other things I need to share that came out…


Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) sounds like a spell from Harry Potter, but it’s more like something out of a Japanese horror movie. Imagine excessive nausea, extreme vomiting, unnatural fatigue, weight loss, dehydration, malnutrition, and a whole array of other stuff that stems from the abovementioned primary symptoms. You can die from Hyperemesis Gravidarum (not kidding) if…

The Bone Carver

With only 6 days left until release day, I thought I’d give you guys another glimpse into The Bone Carver. Last time, I got all chatty about what inspired me while I crafted my villain in this book. This time, though, I’m giving some sneaky peeks into the story with some of my favorite quotes…

7 Days

You have exactly 7 days until The Bone Carver creeps into the world. He’ll be watching you from afar until then, patiently waiting for that perfect moment to catch you off-guard. You won’t see him, of course. Not at first. But you’ll know he’s there, because he wants you to know he’s watching. Waiting ……


Hello, Darklings! It’s time for another installment of What’s New Wednesday, and this week I’m all about looking to the future. Now, if this is your first visit here, the What’s New Wednesday posts usually revolve around what’s happening in my life this week. πŸ™‚ Sometimes, I also get into my current obsessions on these…

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