Website Revamp

It’s time for my not-so-big-but-still-pretty-big website reveal! Whoohoo! ๐Ÿ’ƒ If you follow me on Facebook and/or Twitter (and if the algorithms were kind), you may have seen that my website was undergoing some maintenance and a website revamp. Well, it’s done now and it looks … Well, you should really look for yourself. ๐Ÿ™‚ Before…

Witching Hour Books

This What’s New Wednesday comes to you from the construction site I now call home, because apparently I’ve not suffered enough… *sigh* Everything’s dusty, and no amount of cleaning seems to help, but worse is the fact that I have no space to stretch my legs while the construction is happening. I’m struggling to concentrate…

creepy foggy bridge

So, after much thought, I’ve decided to start a new segment on the blog, called “What’s New Wednesday”, where I’ll share all the stuff I’m currently surrounded by and/or are obsessed with at that specific timeโ€”be it books, music, food, shows, whatever. Books One of my recent posts actually went into more details as to…

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