
It’s time for a brand new What’s New Wednesday! 💃 This week I have some great stuff to share, which revolves around me pimpin’ like a pro—and that means talking about books and fellow authors. Yes, I know it’s kind of in the heading of this post, but hey, it doesn’t hurt repeating. Well, at…

The Bone Carver

It’s time for another What’s New Wednesday, but first … The Bone Carver is here! After months and months of waiting, he’s FINALLY been unleashed on the world … I sincerely hope you’re ready for the chaos he’s about to inflict, because he’s more than ready to make you suffer. 😨 Sounds ominous, right? Well,…

The Bone Carver

With only 6 days left until release day, I thought I’d give you guys another glimpse into The Bone Carver. Last time, I got all chatty about what inspired me while I crafted my villain in this book. This time, though, I’m giving some sneaky peeks into the story with some of my favorite quotes…

7 Days

You have exactly 7 days until The Bone Carver creeps into the world. He’ll be watching you from afar until then, patiently waiting for that perfect moment to catch you off-guard. You won’t see him, of course. Not at first. But you’ll know he’s there, because he wants you to know he’s watching. Waiting ……

The Bone Carver

As the release date for The Bone Carver approaches, I thought it would be a good idea to share some of the inspiration for the book. I have a ton of extras on The Night Weaver Series page (if you’ve been snooping around on the site, I’m sure you’ve found the extras by now), but I…


It’s What’s New Wednesday time and this typical #writerslife week is filled to the brim with some exciting stuff! We’re talking books, book news, a peek into what this writer’s #writerslife looks like for the next 7 days (and then some) … Oh, yeah, you’re gonna love it. Well, I hope so. What’s more, I have…

Watch me prove you wrong

BAM! It’s What’s New Wednesday time! This week, the theme is “watch me prove you wrong”, which is totally my current mood. For me, the best motivator is when I’m being underestimated. I thrive when everyone (including myself) expects me to wither, because the doubt fuels me in ways I can’t completely explain. It’s weird….

The Bone Carver

The Bone Carver is watching you … waiting … tormenting your every waking moment. He makes himself known through targeting family and friends, effectively isolating you from your support system. The violence escalates significantly, faster than you anticipated it ever could. Soon, you feel like you’re going insane. Why is he doing this to you?…

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