This week it’s ALL about the books! I’m talking proper horror books, which have been on my TBR list for-freaking-ever, and they’re all going to be read before 2019 is over. I’ve already decided, so ha! Of course, there are also some other things I need to highlight, so let’s get to it then:
Writing Stuff
So, I sent off a contract for a non-fiction essay last week (Whoohoo!), which means I’ll have some news on the writing front again. The Horror Writer is a non-fiction anthology, which will be published by Hellbound Books in a few months (I think). That’s all I know at this point, but I’ll definitely keep you updated when I hear something new about this super cool project. 🙂
TV Shows

Anne with an “E” is probably one of my favorite shows EVER. I’ve been following the show like a religion, because not only is it quite wholesome (which, let’s face it, is in short supply when it comes to entertainment), but the writers tackle difficult subjects with such nuance! It’s truly inspiring for the writer within, and that type of layering is something to be studied for the craft. The cinematography is absolutely beautiful, and I love the acting. Honestly, if you haven’t watched this show yet, you should. It’s a breath of fresh air (even in season 3!).
The Crown kind of speaks to alternate-dimension-Monique, because I think she’s a historian. The complexities of the show just gives so much more credibility to these royals, making them seem more human, which I really like. It’s a great show that’s worth watching if you’re fascinated by monarchies.
His Dark Materials is a book-to-screen adaptation of Philip Pullman’s series of the same name. Now, I watched the movie starring Nicole Kidman (everyone hated it, but I kinda enjoyed it), but I regret to say I never read the books. So, although I have a bit of an idea about what the show’s about, I’m still going in kind of blind. I am, however, super excited, because the chatter on social media has been great and the trailer definitely sold it. 🙂
Karoo Fundraiser
Just a quick update: I recently helped Jump! Charity Foundation get some funds together for their Karoo animal relief drive (don’t know if you remember), and I need to say thank you once again to everyone who donated a little something-something. THANK YOU! I have officially transferred all the funds you guys have sent for the Karoo to Jump! Charity Foundation. 🙂
That being said, I have learned they will be heading into the Karoo (I think to Victoria West) with five trucks within the next week! Five massive trucks full of bales for the animals. Isn’t that amazing?! 🙂 I already insisted on plenty of pictures, so I’ll share them as soon as I get them from the organizer.
Thank you again to everyone who donated for this cause, which is very near and dear to my heart. None of this would’ve been possible without your generosity and kindness. You’re all rock stars!
It’s ALL About the Books
On to what I’m sure you’ve all been waiting for, the list of books I’m going to read before the end of 2019 … And like I said, it’s ALL about the books this week! These are not my entire TBR list, by the way, not by a long shot, but I have a plan. I need to read, at least, 14 more books to meet my Goodreads goal of 50 books this year, so I’m going to get that done ASAP. Some of these books have been on my Kindle for years and years, so luckily I’m fully stocked and ready to go.
If you see something you like and your finger gets itchy, click on the book’s image, because—
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No, you don’t pay extra. I promise. Amazon just gives me a little kickback whenever you use on of my links, which—let’s be honest here—isn’t much. I just get a few cents from the company to help pay for my book-buying habit. *shrugs*
Anywho, in no particular order, here we go:
Will Haunt you by Brian Kirk is one of my more recent purchases. This one had the best marketing campaign, and I have been itching to read it since it was released. Alas, sometimes life gets in the way of one’s wants and needs … Good thing I’m pretty much off-call until January. 🙂 Whoohoo! Will Haunt You is about a haunted book, I think. I say “I think”, because I’ve been trying super hard to avoid spoilers, which—given the fact that everyone was talking about it when it first came out—was pretty freaking difficult.
Hex by Thomas Olde Heuvelt was released in … I want to say 2017, but it’s possibly earlier. I bought it on a whim when I saw it on the Bram Stokers’ reading list way back when and haven’t gotten around to reading it yet. Hex is a witchy read, from what I gather, and I’m always up for witchy books.
On to some YA … Beauty Queens by Libba Bray is going to be my first taste of what the author has to offer. Now, I know a lot of young adult readers love her work and probably can’t imagine that I haven’t read any of her books yet, but life really gets in the way when you’re an adult. It sucks. Nevertheless, I loved the synopsis of Beauty Queens when Bray popped up onto my radar, circa 2013, so I think it’s time. I mean, c’mon, beauty queens stranded on an island? Sign me up!
The Women in the Walls by Amy Lukavics is another book I’ve had for ages. I have been buying up some Amy Lukavics books over the years without even knowing what her writing was like (until recently, when I finally got around to reading Daughters onto Devils, which I absolutely LOVED). Yes, I have a book buying problem—I know I buy books and let them gather dust on my Kindle or on the shelf. Honestly, I can’t help it. But I have very rarely been disappointed in my purchases, and when I feel the ferocious hunger to read, like now … I devour books. The Women in the Walls sound like a fitting title to get lost in at the moment.
The Invited by Jennifer McMahon is one of my more recent purchases. Thanks to my withdrawals getting way too bad with The Haunting of Hill House not releasing a second season this year, I thought I’d indulge in some haunted house type of books. Now, usually it’s not my favorite topic for horror, but it’s about time I climbed out of my comfort-zone again. So, I’m looking forward to this one.
I actually started reading Ararat by Christopher Golden early last year and got about 5% into it, but immediately put it down when I realized I wasn’t in the right mindset for this book just yet. Sometimes that happens—sometimes a book just catches me off-guard and I need to put it down, mentally prepare myself, and try again. So, I thought now was a good time to attempt my reading of it again (especially since I enjoyed The Hunger by Alma Katsu so much).
Okay, so I decided that if I can get all these other books read before Christmas, I’m going to treat myself to a new book. It’s only fair, don’t you think? The thing is, Imaginary Friend by Stephen Chbosky has gotten mixed reviews (most say the book is too long—720 pages sounds a little lengthy, but hey, I’m a Brandon Sanderson fan—and there isn’t enough pay-off), which stopped me from hitting that buy button.
I’m unfamiliar with the author’s work (I did watch The Perks of Being a Wallflower), mostly because that was “before my time”. I wasn’t a teen yet. Simple. Still, I’m curious. So, I have promised myself that if I can get all these other books on my Kindle read before Christmas, I’m going to buy Imaginary Friend without feeling guilty. NO PROMISES that I’ll read that mammoth this year, but I’ll buy it. LOL!
And there you have it, my What’s New Wednesday. Actually… well, this is mostly my reading list for the next month and a half in a nutshell. Good thing I’m a fast reader, eh? Sorry, I’ll try to be more interesting next week.
What are you up to? Do you have any reading plans you’re dying to share? Let me know, and who knows, maybe your recommendation will make it onto my Kindle.
Have a great week!