Friday Favorites: B-Movie Brilliance

It’s Friday Favorites Time!

Friday Favorites is quickly becoming one of my most beloved segments!

I have an intense love of B-movies. When I’m sad, there’s nothing like a B-movie to help me feel better. When I’m angry, a B-movie totally helps me work through frustrations. When I’m happy … well, you get the idea. B-movies have a special place in my heart, because they are so out of the box and often ridiculous.

So, today’s Friday Favorites theme is … *drumroll … B-movies. Yay! 🙂

Black Sheep (2006)

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Set in New Zealand, this bad boy is both dark and humorous with a hint of WTF. Black Sheep is one of those films that possesses some The Island of Doctor Moreau vibes, while being completely original, too. I mean, evil sheep … *snickers* How is that not in itself a brilliant sell? Okay, okay, I’ll do the pitch: Some of the themes addressed in Black Sheep makes this film contemporary, intelligent, and super funny, while constantly making you wonder what Dolly the cloned Sheep really did to get herself euthanized. Totally get your hands on this movie if you need some B-movie brilliance in your life.

Return of the Killer Tomatoes! (1988)

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The sequel to the cult classic, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, makes this list because:

  1. George Clooney is in the hilarious flick;
  2. It’s my birth year; and,
  3. I’m holding the original flick hostage for another Friday Favorite post.

Return of the Killer Tomatoes is one of those far-fetched, totally addictive movies that just makes you smile every time you think about it. Yes, it’s offensive at times, but that doesn’t take away from the fantastic plot. Also, George Clooney … Need I say more?


Ticks (1993)

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One of the films that are usually overlooked in B-movie lists is the super awesome, Ticks, a 1993 movie starring Seth Green and Alfonso Ribeiro.

This is the movie that made me fall in love with B-movies, particularly those revolving around nature. Ticks gives off these old-school vibes without really dating it. If you’ve ever gone camping in an area where you know ticks are probably hiding around, this one will definitely give you the creeps. Better yet, if you’ve ever had tick-fever, I’m pretty sure you’ll have some sympathy for the characters.

Also, there are some great CGI present, especially for its time, so that’s another reason to enjoy this ultra rare film.

Deadly Invasion: The Killer Bee Nightmare (1995)

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Okay, so this is a made-for-TV movie, and not very many people would enjoy it or even classify it as a B-movie (because the big, bad monsters are just regular-ish bees), but Deadly Invasion: The Killer Bee Nightmare freaked me the hell out. Granted, I am hyper allergic to these little pollinators, so that certainly played a part in why I have a love for the flick. Still, if you have nothing better to do, give it a shot. What’s the worst that can happen?

C.H.U.D. (1984)

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Yet another reason to avoid New York … just kidding. Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers, a.k.a. C.H.U.D., is such a fun B-movie, and it still makes for an excellent watch 35 years later! The basic premise is this: Homeless people, specifically those who live underground, are going missing, and a photographer is documenting the story. Some conspiracy theories come out as to why this is happening, which drops the bombshell … cannibal monsters! Of course, these baddies don’t just take the homeless, oh no. Everyone’s in danger.

When my husband and I are in the mood for some B-movie lovin’, this is the one we turn to.

The Little Shop of Horrors (1960)

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The Little Shop of Horrors is a classic horror flick by any horror junkie’s standards. Now, many love the remake (my husband included), but in this case I absolutely adore the original. There’s just something so timeless … Maybe it’s because the original is in black & white? Perhaps it’s the uniqueness of the film? I don’t know. But I fell in love with it quite early in my life and I always prefer it above the remake. Also, the original stars Jack Nicholson, so that’s a bonus in my books. 🙂

Sharktopus (2010)

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If I added all the aquatic-esque B-movies to this list, we’d be here forever. One stands out, though, Sharktopus. It breathed new life into the genre because of its ridiculousness (in my opinion), but it was just so entertaining that I can’t help returning to it from time to time. You know the saying: “It’s so bad it’s good”? Yeah, this is what Sharktopus is, and that’s why I love it. Sometimes, even horror lovers just need to unwind with some popcorn and a giggle …

As I’ve mentioned, there are too many aquatic-esque B-movies to mention, all of which I truly enjoy watching, so I won’t even try. I will say that I’m a Lake Placid fan, because crocodiles are awesome. Of course, there’s also Eight Legged Freaks, because why not get scarred for life, you know? Other B-movies that should definitely be on the list is Basket Case, The Toxic Avenger, The Thing with Two Heads, and pretty much every B-movie that came out in the 50s.

And that’s it for this Friday Favorites. What is your favorite B-movie of all time?

P.S. If you’re a young adult, maybe just get your parents’ permission before you watch some of these movies.

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