Friday Favorites: Creepy Kids in Movies

On this week’s Friday Favorites, I look at all the creepy kids in movies that are unforgettable. There’s, after all, nothing quite as terrifying as seeing creepy kids, preferably those who have sinister intentions, running amok on-screen and going ape on some unsuspecting victim. For some inexplicable reason, those little darlings keep me glued to my seat from beginning to end, and their adventures prickle my imagination in ways that no other trope can.

I love creepy kids in movies. There’s just something about them and their weird antics that feels … plausible.

So, this week I thought I’d share some of my favorite creepy movie kids with you. 🙂

Friday Favorites: Creepy Kids

Village of the Damned (1995)

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I’m not the type of person who often likes a remake more than the original, but when it comes to Village of the Damned, I can’t help myself. I’m pretty sure some people will disagree with me on this film, and that’s cool. I think maybe I like it because John Carpenter is the director, or perhaps it’s the casting. Whatever the reason, I absolutely adored this movie. It gets the blood flowing, the suspense is cranked up to eleven, and there’s an entire town full of freaking creepy kids. In short: whoohoo!

Children of the Corn (1984)

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What’s creepier than creepy kids? I’d have to say creepy kids who start a murderous cult for “he who walks behind the rows”! Quite a few Stephen King stories feature children, especially kids you don’t want to come across in a dark alley, but in this category, Children of the Corn, reigns supreme. It’s an addictive horror film, so make sure you have the rest of the franchise on-hand before you start your marathon. 😉


The Good Son (1993)

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Technically, The Good Son isn’t classified as a full-blown horror movie, but the acting of both Elijah Wood and Macaulay Culkin is incredible enough to overlook that little issue. I watched this movie for the first time when I was about ten years old, and yes, I had nightmares. It’s a memorable movie, though, one that delves deep into the question of nature vs. nurture, not to mention Culkin plays creepy to a T.

Orphan (2009)

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If you were thinking of adopting a child, I’ll advise against watching the horror movie, Orphan. It’s an absolutely chilling film with a super cool twist, and the performance of Isabelle Fuhrman is one of the best I’ve seen from a child actress since Drew Barrymore starred in Firestarter.

Poltergeist (1982)

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No “creepy kids in movies” list would ever be complete without the iconic horror flick, Poltergeist, gracing it. Heck, no horror aficionado could ever forget the memorable, “They’re here.” I mean, it’s one of the greatest horror flicks ever made, and that’s without even getting into the whole creepy, real-life curse surrounding the cast and crew. What’s more, the film has aged relatively well, and can still scare the bejeezus out of you if the mood is right.

Sinister (2012)

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Sinister is a film that doesn’t get enough credit, in my opinion. It sports a few seriously creepy kids, though, and some terrifying jump scares (yes, I like jump scares). Granted, the kids are kind of influenced by a supernatural entity, but they still steal the show, so to speak. If you’re looking for a movie you probably shouldn’t watch in the dark, this is the one you need to see.

Other Films of Note

There are so many other creepy kids in films that should be mentioned on this Friday Favorites list, but if I tried to add them all then this list would be way too long.

I mean, there’s The Omen and The Exorcist, both iconic films that literally sets the bar for those kiddies who’re aspiring to join the demonic forces. Annabelle: Creation and Ouija: The Origin of Evil aren’t too shabby either if a young’un is hankering for a good ol’ possession. Even some foreign kids are creepy AF. Take for example, Let the Right One In, Ju-On, and The Orphanage

Let’s be honest, kids have a way of terrifying adults, and Hollywood’s got an unlimited amount of movies for those of us who loves to be scared.

P.S. If you’re a young adult, maybe just get your parents’ permission before you watch some of these films.

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