It’s time for a brand new What’s New Wednesday! 💃 This week I have some great stuff to share, which revolves around me pimpin’ like a pro—and that means talking about books and fellow authors. Yes, I know it’s kind of in the heading of this post, but hey, it doesn’t hurt repeating. Well, at least it doesn’t hurt my blog’s SEO … *sniggers* 🙂
I’m sorry if the first part of my post is a little ‘me-me-me’, but there’s a little something-something for you to get involved in, too. 😉 Also, it’s not just ‘me-me-me’ (scroll down and you’ll see). I have some great news from other writers that gets highlighted, too. Unfortunately, this is the life of a writer—no pimpin’, no pay. *shrugs*
So, are you ready for me to get on with it? Yes? Okay, let’s go!
Pimpin’ Myself
The Classic Monsters Unleashed Kickstarter
The Classic Monsters Unleashed Kickstarter launched 9 days ago and PHEW! I am astounded at the amount of support it’s been getting from readers and horror fans. Granted, there are some fabulous perks for backers, and some heavy-hitters are involved in the project, so this is definitely something you want to check out.
Want to know more?
Well, here you go: Check out my previous post where I revealed the cover art and the TOC for Classic Monsters Unleashed. The art is gorgeous, the writers are legendary, and the perks are simply drool-worthy. Oh, and submissions will open for it on April 8th, 2021 if you were thinking of getting involved on this deliciously dark project.
Okay, so first off, I have never seen myself as a poet. I mean, yes, I do write poetry, but it’s usually meant for my eyes only … You know, a little practice to get into the writing mood before I start a new story. Well, I was coerced—*clears throat*—asked nicely to submit something. 😜 Seeing as I’ve been trying to step out of my comfort zone a bit, what with the baby coming and all, I decided to give it a shot. And whaddayaknow?! My poem was accepted into Black Spot Books‘ upcoming poetry showcase, Under her Skin!
Here’s the kicker, though, submissions are still open if you’re looking to submit something. 🙂
So, I’ve been scrambling to get all my writing obligations done before the baby comes (we have 8 weeks left … Oh gosh … *tries not to panic*).
One project I’m working on has sent me down some rabbit holes I rather wish I didn’t know existed (seriously, I’m baffled as to why Q-Anon exists and why people believe in it so vehemently). Anyway, I’m already halfway done with this book and will have it submitted before baby arrives, so you’ll probably get to read it later this year. WHOOHOO! It’s a shared-world project, and although I still can’t divulge all the juicy deets, I can say I’m hella excited to be part of it. So many great writers are going to be featured, and … Heavens, I better stop talking before I give anything away prematurely. 😂
On a more serious note: I’m still working on Book #3 in The Night Weaver Series. Yes, yes, I know, it should’ve been done ages ago. I’m sorry for the delay, but if I can get the previously mentioned book written by the end of this month—*holds thumbs*—I’ll hopefully make a dent in my writing for this one during April. Again, I’m halfway finished with the book, so it’s really just about finding time to hammer out the last few chapters.
There’s no way I’ll be able to get to the second book in the Dark Country series before baby comes, but it WILL be completed by the end of this year. The research was done years ago, so it should be smooth sailing. I don’t know why I’m stressing about this one now, seeing as you’ve not gotten your hands on the first book, but apparently I am.
*inhales deeply*
I’m missing something in this segment … Gah! I blame my baby brain. I’ll remember it eventually and add it to my next post. LOL!
Pimpin’ Some Peeps
If you’re into reading horror, you’re going to absolutely love Jonathan Winn’s exciting new horror collection, Eidolon Avenue: The Second Feast. It’s got everything you could possibly want in a horror collection—intrigue, memorability, creativity, and creepiness. I should know … I had the privilege of editing this bad boy (and it’s still fresh in my mind). The book is up for pre-order if you’re ready for an escape into the terrifying mind of Jonathan Winn. You won’t be disappointed.

Award News
I’m thrilled to announce that The Magic Ingredient by Lindy Miller has been getting a lot of recognition in the romance world and I’m just so proud of having had the opportunity to work on this sweet book. 🙂 So far, The Magic Ingredient’s made it onto The 2020 Chatelaine Book Awards for Romantic Fiction’s Long List, has won the bronze medal for Romance in the 2021 Feathered Quill Book Awards, and has been named a finalist in the da Vinci Eye Book Awards. Pretty impressive, huh? If you want to get your hands on a copy of the first Bar Harbor Holiday book, click here. It’s a fun read, full of sweet romance, and is perfect to unwind to after a long day of having to deal with reality.
This was a bit of a different What’s New Wednesday, I know, but I just had so much news to share. Hopefully, next week, we’ll get back to the usual obsessions. In the meantime, though, I’ll be packing the hospital bags and trying to catch up on all the work I still have left to do.
Have a great week, stay safe and healthy, and check in again soon!