This What’s New Wednesday comes to you from the construction site I now call home, because apparently I’ve not suffered enough… *sigh* Everything’s dusty, and no amount of cleaning seems to help, but worse is the fact that I have no space to stretch my legs while the construction is happening. I’m struggling to concentrate on menial nonsense because my OCD levels are off the chart, so much so that my husband’s started to become annoyed with my frustrations (I can’t sit still, because it feels like I need to clean). Yeah, it’s a weird week.
Nevertheless, I’ve found some stuff to become obsessed with, which helps a bit.
What’s New Wednesday

After finishing up with Jean M. Auel’s The Clan of the Cave Bear—the first book in the Earth’s Children series—on Sunday, I decided to take a break from the prehistoric series and get on with working through some of my Winter Reading List. I’ve started with L.J. Smith’s The Secret Circle, which I am enjoying, but it’s difficult to focus for long periods of time right now. I am enjoying the trilogy thus far, though. 🙂
Funnily enough, Tuesday evening—after I’d worn my husband out, due to my inability to sit still—Husband Dearest put his PS4 controller in my hand and showed me how to play Fishing Planet. It took a mere 30 minutes for me to become completely addicted to the game. Now, I’m not exactly a pro fisherman IRL or in the game, but it does seem to relax me. So, I put on my Shadow Grove Playlist, sat back, and reeled in some fish.
Fishing Planet does need a constant internet connection, so keep that in mind, but it’s free to play on PS4 if you’re looking for something to do. And if you see me (killer_aphrodite) around the lakes and ponds, you’re welcome to say hi! Just do me a favor and don’t walk through my avatar… LOL
TV Shows
I’m pretty much on schedule with all my favorite TV shows (it’s good to know that moving helps me to get up to date with something, at least), so this category is relatively quiet at the moment. That said, I did watch the available episodes of The Act, which was actually brilliant (the acting is incredible), but I decided not to continue, because the tale is simply too difficult to stomach for me. I mean, I watched the documentary a year or so ago, and that already had me super upset (I don’t understand how a mother can do anything to hurt her child). Long story short, Munchhausen-by-Proxy baffles me, but it’s definitely a show you should watch if you’re into true crime stuff. Furthermore, I watched the first two episodes of The Twilight Zone revival last night, and being a fan of the original, I have to say it was surprisingly good. They didn’t try to remake or reboot or turn the show into something else. It’s simply a modernized continuation, which I adore. Check it out if you’re looking for something fun to watch.

Saving Every Cent
It never hurts cutting down on non-essentials in order to save money for something special. Although, these days, it’s difficult not to cut down on luxuries just so you can survive the month (I’m talking about all the price hikes in South Africa, especially… freaking money-grubbing government is out to tap us all dry, man). Anyway, something not a lot of people know about me is that I’m kind of a saving’s nut. Rather, I try to save. I suppose it has something to do with my love of making lists and putting things in order. *shrugs* With this unexpected move, though, I’ll admit that we’ve basically crippled my savings account, and the new construction is doing us in financially, too.
I’m pretty sure we’re not the only people struggling at the moment, so if you’re hoping to save a few bucks for some reason or another, I suggest you check out the 54 Ways to Save Money post on America Saves.
Reviving the Author Spotlight Feature
Before I started this website, I had other professional book review sites, all of which had an “Author Spotlight” feature. It was mainly where I did interviews with other writers or allowed them to stop by during their blog tours to pimp their new releases. My readers seemed to enjoy being introduced to new voices way back when, so I thought I’d implement it again. I’m sure it’ll be a little sporadic at first (gotta build up my reputation again, first), but I already have my first author lined up for this week.
If you’re an author with a new release coming up and you’d like the spotlight to shine on you, get in touch with me via email so we can discuss your visit. Contact me at: monique[at]moniquesnyman[dot]com
That’s it for this week’s “What’s New Wednesday”. On Friday, I have Mark Allan Gunnells stopping by for my first Author Spotlight, where he gives a little insight into his upcoming horror collection (you don’t want to miss it out). Have a great week, folks, and see you soon!