A Serious Case of the Sequels

Here’s the thing about sequels: They’re difficult to write and even harder to write well. I don’t think I’ve ever met a writer who actually didn’t struggle with a sequel at some point in their career

On April 1st, 2018, I began writing The Bone Carver, which is the sequel to The Night Weaver. Now, I remember the date, because 1.) It was April Fools, and 2.) My husband broke his foot that day, which is what kind of inspired the whole concept. I wanted the book to be done in 2018. I wanted it to be published in 2019. Unfortunately, the universe laughed at me and threw everything it had at us to deter me from finishing.

I’ve written a sequel before, for the incomplete series that won’t ever be named on this blog and which I probably won’t ever complete, but I never expected The Bone Carver would be as difficult to write as it was. I mean, this last phase of the writing process took me 3 weeks to complete, which—after I did some inventory—amounted to 600 grams of instant coffee, 21 takeout dinners, and more snacks than I could count (my poor liver). Luckily, due to the amount of stress I put myself under, I didn’t put on any weight. But I think now’s a good time to do a proper detox and live a little healthier.

Let’s Talk About the Sequel

I’m not at liberty to talk too much about The Bone Carver at this time. It’s written, it’s been submitted, it’ll undergo the Vesuvian Books treatment, and that’s all that matters at the end of the day. That being said, I can tell you something about how I wrote the book.

For example: In the last year and a half, I wrote the book from scratch 5 times!

Four drafts were wholly different from one another, and our friends from The Night Weaver Series could take so many roads to the ultimate end it wasn’t even funny. There were too many decisions for me to make, so yeah, I was pretty overwhelmed. Then, sometime in May, my husband had the idea of a lifetime, one that saved my sanity—Can you somehow combine the ideas?

I know, I know, obviously I married him for his brain.

So, draft #5 is a combination of all the roads that could’ve been taken, and in my opinion, I freaking smashed it. Granted, I’m still on my “writer’s high”, because I finished the book’s self-edits and submitted it to my publisher just 4 hours ago, so there’s no telling if it is actually any good. Still, I’m happy with how it turned out.

What Now?

Well, now I have a fortnight off from writing. I have some outstanding admin to catch up on for Crystal Lake Publishing, which will hopefully be done in a day or two, and then I have some stuff to do for The Night Weaver‘s release, but other than that I’m on a well-deserved break. This means, it’s time to catch up on reading, unwind in front of the TV, bake, do some spring cleaning, and chill in the garden.

Basically, it’s #MeTime for the rest of September.

Then, it’s time to tackle Book #3, which I’ll talk about in a minute.

When is The Bone Carver Coming?

I think Vesuvian Books have it slated for a Fall 2020 release. I’ll have to make sure on the date, but I’m pretty sure that’s roundabout the time The Bone Carver will come out.

It also means there will probably be more news to share in the not-too-distant future. Whoohoo!

The Night Weaver #3

I can’t remember if I ever revealed the title, so tentatively, let’s just stick to calling it The Night Weaver #3. Well, what can I say? I have a concept, an outline, and I’m pretty sure it won’t be as hard to write as The Bone Carver. There’s also a deadline, which I’m trying not to think about, but it’s there.

Again, I can’t say much about the book yet, you’ll just have to wait and see the awesome as things progress. It is coming, though. So help me, this series will be completed before I hit 40.

And Now I Sleep

I just wanted to brag a bit before I head to bed for twelve glorious hours of sleep. That’s how I celebrate … sleep. So goodnight, Darklings. I’ll be sure to check in soon. 🙂

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